Welcome to Hyngstrom Racing Stable!
We operated a Standardbred racing stable based out of Florida and Illinois. Our harness racehorses often race in other states, such as Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. I started in this business in the mid-1980s at the very bottom when I dropped out of college to groom horses at Pompano Park. I have been in and out of racing as my career and family allowed me the time. Now, in the late stages of my corporate career, I find greater rewards (non-monetary) from horse racing. Harness racing is my passion! I also launched a small breeding operation, Unhynged Stables.
If you love sports, admire the world’s greatest athletes, and would like to become part of the history of a genuinely American sport and equine breed – you will love Harness Racing!
Many people love watching collegiate and professional sports. Devoted fans follow the drafts, roster moves, and coaching strategies. The limitation of being a fan is your inability to see the inside story and lack of influence you have in driving your team’s destiny. You are just a fan. All that matters to that favorite team you follow is for you to buy tickets and jerseys and show up to the games.
Owning a racehorse is like owning a sports team. And as the racehorse owner you are the team owner! The buck stops with you.
Racehorse ownership and harness racing are exhilarating experiences! Whether it is a maiden win, stakes win, or an overnight race, the thrill of heading into the winner’s circle is fantastic. Hearing the breath blowing from your horse, the handshake, and smile from the driver are special moments, regardless of the size of the purse.
Owning and racing a Standardbred is a family event. You can be fully hands-on or just jump in occasionally. I have seen many people that have no horse experience learn to handle and jog their racehorse. The nature of the Standardbred makes this breed an excellent choice for activities in racing and beyond. Our racing programs are offerred at the corporate pari-mutual tracks (betting tracks) for larger purses, as well as at county fair races throughout many states in the summers. A family could create a family event around raising and racing a horse for the fair circuit. Get your kids off the devices, out in the sunshine, and have them learn about horses, a work ethic, and the thrill of racing.
I started my ownership journey with a “claimining” horse. I have moved on to horses that race for “conditions”, and now on to stakes based racing. I now breed and buy younger horses. I raise, break, train, and race these horses through the more lucrative “stakes” racing programs that are offerred. I maintain a database with all my results on my Racing Results page.
Please feel free to contact me for any additional information if you have an interest. I don’t train for hire, this site is not a solicitation, as I have a full-time career at Microsoft. I have many friends that train stables that I can recommend. I love explaining the sport to people with interest. By navigating my site you will see a page that calls up all my posts on winners, news, and horses. I have pages on my personal history and a few of my horse stories. I also have a few pages of compiled videos, and win pictures. I use helmet and 360 video cameras quite often and all of those can be accessed though the previously mentioned video page. Those videos will give you a first person perspective into harness racing.
The category links at the bottom of the page will lead to posts on our wins and horses. There are many videos and pictures in those posts.
Here is my contact information:
Ivar Hyngstrom
- News and Updates (27)
- Our Horses (8)
- Previous Horses (19)
- Win Announcements (100)
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